VENUS IN 3RD HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return

 Venus in the 3rd house of the solar return emphasizes all forms of communication, both verbal and written. 
Your ability to express yourself coherently is important to the activities of this Solar return year.

Others will listen and respond to what you have to say; therefore, your communication patterns need to be clear and concise 
For example, 
One individual organized and wrote a correspondence course during the Solar Return year, Venus was in the 3rd house of the solar return chart. 

This person’s ability to write well was crucial to the success of the task at hand. But one does not have to be involved in a major project to need good communication skills. 

Effective negotiating techniques are useful in many everyday situations, both business and personal. 
The ability to make your point quickly, easily, and clearly can give you the edge when mediating a dispute or bargaining for what you want. At other times, being diplomatic may be more advantageous. 

 If you feel the need for improvement, you may want to take a course in communication skills, but for those who are experiencing problems of a personal nature, it is more common to attend counseling sessions, especially when the communication and negotiation of needs are the major topics of discussion.   
A love of learning is also shown by Venus in the 3rd house of Solar Return. This is a good time to return to school or sign up for a course. 

If you have been apprehensive in the past about finishing your education or going on for a higher degree, this is a good time to start. It may be easier for you to adjust now since you look forward to learning new things.

If you do your best work, academic honors are possible during the year. Social contacts with neighbors are increasing, and you may meet or socialize with a greater number of local people. 

Superficial familiarity with many neighbors is more common than in-depth relating to a few. The emphasis here is not necessarily on creating new and long-lasting friendships, but acquiring new acquaintances. In keeping with this trend, you may join the neighborhood coffee klatch or community association. 

My favorite example for a 3rd house solar return Venus is a teenaged girl who took her first job at a local neighborhood library. She not only met many of her neighbors, she also began to date a few. Your urge to meet and communicate with your neighbors can be motivated by a neighborhood problem. Socialization may be secondary to involvement in an organized community effort or public service.

Transit of VENUS in 3rd House of Perception and Communication

If you wish to persuade or charm someone, transit of venus in 3rd house is very good for it. 

Something about the way you speak, write, and otherwise communicate with others is especially seductive during this transit. Likewise, you will be particularly susceptible to the way others communicate, being turned off by coarse or impolite language and utterly charmed by someone with a lyrical speaking voice. 

Do a little singing. Ask for a raise.


The third and ninth houses of the horoscope rep-resent the polarity of knowledge. In the third house we learn remedial and necessary skills, gather ran-dom data, and collect perceptions and impressions about the world. In the ninth house, the level of difficulty is raised to encompass teaching, thinking critically, and gleaning meaning from perceptions and impressions. 

When planets transit the third and ninth houses, you are called to explore the landscape of your mind, to learn new things, and to share what you know. Even a fast-moving transit in these houses can introduce an idea that has a long-lasting impact on the way you see the world. 

  • VENUS IN : ( | 1ST   | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH   | ) , ( | 5TH   | ) , ( 6TH   | ) , ( 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , (  11TH   | ) , (  12TH   | ) HOUSE

Planet Aspecting in Venus

Aspects to Venus reflect your ability and desire to exchange love and money with others and under what circumstances.

This is a simplistic statement that becomes more complex when we look at the individual planets that aspect Venus.  

Astrologers use the term "VENUS IN 3RD HOUSE of Solar Return" to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. 

This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day.

Therefore Progress In Yearly Solar Return are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. 


Three zodiac signs enter a period of prosperity Starting September 11, 2024

1. Virgo

Virgo, you're about to enter a period of great wealth and prosperity — whether you're ready for it or not! During the Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter transit, you'll find that certain things seem to fall into place for you business-wise.

While you're always the person to bring in the doubts, I'm sorry, Virgo, but this time, you aren't strong enough to keep the good stuff away. You will be bombarded with good fortune and remember September 11, 2024 as the day you got rich. If not immediately rich, you're well on your way there. Things are looking so good for you, and that's to be expected with so much Sagittarius-Jupiter energy around you.

2. Sagittarius

Between Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter and you being a Sagittarius, you can't escape your fate. That fate is the one that takes you to the path of prosperity, starting September 11, 2024. Not only does everything feel right to you, but it feels lucrative. Yes, there's money involved.

What you're about to embark on means a lot to you, and when they say, 'If you do what you love, then you'll never work a day in your life,' you might be able to apply that to your present situation. You are doing what you love, and it's making you moolah.

This period can go on for as long as you want, Sagittarius. There is no end to the prosperity you can be a part of as long as you continue to love what you do. That's the key here, and you must pay attention to that. This could be the start of something big, and you could certainly appreciate that.

3. Pisces

Your previous ideas about wealth and prosperity finally can manifest as reality on September 11, 2024. During the transit of the Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter, you feel positive about certain investments you've made and see them flourish at this time.

The day brings you the secure feeling that what you've done financially has matured to the point where you can relax, knowing that the period of real prosperity has begun. It's your turn now, Pisces, and you are ready for it. It's all just beginning to take shape.

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