
Showing posts from November 12, 2023

MARS IN THE 10TH HOUSE of your Yearly Solar Return Chart

Mars in the 10th house of Solar return chart suggests an aggressive business style or energetic attitude towards career tasks.  Many times the individual with this placement realizes that he or she must work harder during the coming year either to get ahead or stay ahead. Competition from other businesses or co-workers can pro-vide the impetus towards greater productivity, but many times the individual is only in com-petition with himself or herself. There may or may not be a specific change in the work environment that indicates this need to switch into high gear. Internal signals are as likely as external motivations.  This is a good time to focus on career ambitions and use the energy surge for both immediate career goals and long-term developments. 

PROGRESS MOON IN 10TH HOUSE - Secondary Progression

 Day for a year Method of Prediction A.K.A Secondary Progression. In Moon in 10TH House You are about to reap the rewards of past efforts made towards reaching your life goals. 

MOON IN 4TH HOUSE in Solar Return Chart

 A 4th house solar return Moon suggests an emphasis on two important areas:  The physical home or domestic situation, and the emotional needs and perceptions of the individual. Usually, these two major areas of concern parallel each other and changes manifesting in the home or home life are reflected in emotional changes the individual is experiencing internally.    For example ,  If you do extensive remodeling of your home, it is likely you will also experience emotional disruption during the period of renovation.  You are apt to either change your place of residence or change something about your home when the Moon is in the  4th house  of the solar return chart.  PROGRESS MOON IN 4TH HOUSE , Day for a year Method of Prediction A.K.A Secondary Progression. It is time to focus on your home and family. The sign of your progressed Moon will also show you the manner in which you are likely to approach your family and home life. 👉 For instance ... You can purchase a new home and move, bu

PROGRESS MOON IN 4TH HOUSE - Secondary Progression

 Day for a year Method of Prediction A.K.A Secondary Progression. In Moon in 4TH House It is time to focus on your home and family. This could mean that you need to address the needs of immediate family members such as your spouse, children, parents or siblings, or it could be that you are required to reassess your own role within your family. 

MOON IN 2ND HOUSE in Solar Return Chart

 The Moon in the 2nd house of Solar return shows an emotional need for financial security In order to feel comfortable during the next year, it is important for you to review your financial situation and formulate plans which will increase or ensure economic stability.  This financial plan should be capable of meeting your immediate and future material needs by addressing three major issues. Progress MOON IN 2ND HOUSE, Day for a year Method of Prediction A.K.A Secondary Progression. It's time to reflect on your personal values rather than living your life to please other people.  The sign of your progressed Moon  will also show you the area of your life most likely to be affected by this new confidence and self-esteem! 👉 For instance... 

PROGRESS MOON IN 2ND HOUSE - Secondary Progression

Day for a year Method of Prediction A.K.A Secondary Progression. In Moon in 2nd House  It's time to reflect on your personal values rather than living your life to please other people. You now feel the urge to build up your own self esteem, listen to your intuition and invest your time and energy in areas of life that mirror your personal interests. In other words you are taking the focus off other people and their needs and placing it firmly on your own. 

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