Transiting URANUS Aspect in Natal CHIRON

In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky, or in other word, The Current Transit of URANUS in the Sky are Very related to your Natal CHIRON 👉 In Trine , 👉 In Conjunction , 👉 Opposition Talents that we are not even aware of them as talents In Sextile Aspect to Chiron , Now is the time to explore new territories sure in the knowledge that you have many gifts to share with the world during this Sextile aspect to Chiron. You feel alive and sensitive to both your own and other people's needs and doors will open as a result. It is likely that you will be given the chance to express your true talents, which may or may not coincide with your own beliefs about what your talents may be. Sometimes our talents are so naturally a part of us, that we are not even aware of them as talents. Therefore during this time it is a good idea to keep an open mind to all possibilities.