The Moon in the 3rd house of Solar Return Chart is a sign that emotional influences compete or unite with rational thoughts for decision-making power. The interplay between these two levels of thought, the conscious and the unconscious levels, is key to the pattern of growth. If you depend too much on the conscious level, you might be trying to suppress or analyze your feelings before they are even apparent. This will not work. Feelings just are, and must be appreciated as they exist before symbols emerge, and they can be understood. On the other hand, you may feel more ruled by unconscious urges than clear-headed rationalism. Within this scenario, feelings overwhelm common sense and burst into the open when you least expect it. Freudian slips are possible despite your conscious efforts for restraint, and you inadvertently say things that were better left unsaid. Although these comments honestly reflect your true feelings, they go too far and reveal more than is in your best inte