PLUTO Conjunct VENUS in Solar Return Year

When Venus is conjunct Pluto in the Venus return chart, intense emotional involvements and complicated financial situations are likely regard-less if you are starting a new relationship, trying to get out of an old relationship, or simply going through a period of transition. VENUS Return Chart sextile or trine to Pluto , can show exciting, emotional involvements and beneficial financial situations. New relationships can be especially compelling,.. Learn More.. VENUS Return chart square or opposite Pluto , indicates intense emotional involvements and complicated financial situations that can ignite disagreements and conflicts. These can arise when starting a new relationship. Learn More... PLUTO Conjunct VENUS in Solar Return chart, New relationships can be especially compelling, and like the moth to the flame, you are drawn to particular individuals without understanding why. Unconscious forces play a major role in this type of relationsh...