


TAURUS ASCENDANT in Solar Return Chart

  When the solar return Ascendant is in Taurus,  Stability and harmony are the keys to success. You thrive when you are financially secure, and you will work hard to maintain or achieve this goal.  Affectionate and loving relationships are part of your stability net-work.  Though slow moving, you possess great stamina.  You get into trouble when you start thinking about yourself and not others, or become miserly with your resources. Stubbornness does not benefit you and leads to stalemate conditions. Be practical; stick with what works. 

SUN Sextile MIDHEAVEN in Yearly Solar Return Chart

This Solar year you are teetering on the edge of a major life change, the direction up to you.   Set aside time to reassess your career goals, your marital status and your ambitions. You can achieve your goals if you steer a steady course, make the most of the opportunities and stay focused. If typically a stay-at-home type your friends and family are likely to notice a change in your behaviour.  If you are already an ambitious type then you are likely to really enjoy your time in the sun this year. Promotions, demotions, job offers, proposals of marriage and other such life changing situations all hold the promise of adventures into challenging territories.  This Solar year you are up for the challenge. Also Read:  SUN TRINE THE MIDHEAVEN IN Solar return Year While this aspect is generally positive, it's essential to consider the signs involved and other aspects in the chart for a more nuanced interpretation. For example: Signs: The signs in which the Sun and Midheaven are placed

Transiting CHIRON Conjuction Natal NORTH NODE

In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  CHIRON As you Look up  in the Sky are Very  related to your Natal NORTH NODE in  Conjuction Aspect Conjuction Aspect Last for about 2 Month, For Example  Entering Dec 24 , Leaving Feb 17. Now is the time to keep an open mind and heart so that you are sensitive to the cycles of the universe and therefore ready to receive information about your true purpose in life.  Once you have understood this purpose, it is time to move forward letting go of emotional hurts which stand in your way.  It is time to feel the fear and do it anyway.  You are also likely to be given opportunities to express your true talents during this transit, particularly in the areas of teaching and healing. Despite the possibility of emotional pain, this is a time when you can be aware of the spiritual significance of your role on earth. You may encounter mentors or guides who help you understand and heal your wounds. These individuals

Transiting SATURN Aspecting to Natal NORTH NODE

In Transit to Natal Aspect in The Sky,  or in other word, The Current Transit of   SATURN   in the Sky are Very  related to your Natal NORTH NODE in Square, Semisquare, Sextile, Conjuction Aspect TRANSITING SATURN SEMISQUARE  NATAL NORTH NODE  Transit Last for About Half of the Month The path through life is strewn with obstacles and you seem to have your fair share at the moment.  The more that you try to move in your desired direction, the more that the pathway seems to be blocked. Every direction seems to have a large stop sign.  This will be particularly true if you have a strong personal will, or if you have your sights set on a particular outcome to a situation in your life. If you can slow down and look again at your options then by the end of the transit you may see things in a different light.  TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE PROGRESSED NORTH NODE Transit Last for about 3 weeks You are forced to let go of things in your life that may have helped you in the past, but have now outliv

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