
PROGRESS HOROSCOPE - Aka Secondary Progression chart

 A Progressed Horoscope, also known as a Secondary Progression chart, is a powerful astrological tool used to gain deeper insights into an individual's personal evolution over time. Unlike a natal chart, which is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth, the progressed chart shows how your natal chart evolves throughout your life. Key Points About Progressed Horoscope: Time Frame : The most common method of progression is called Secondary Progression, where each day after your birth represents one year of your life. For example, 30 days after your birth correspond to your 30th year. Key Changes : Progressed Sun : The Sun moves about one degree per year. Changes in your progressed Sun sign and house can indicate shifts in core identity and purpose. Progressed Moon : The Moon changes signs approximately every 2.5 years in the progressed chart. This reflects emotional shifts and changing needs. Progressed Ascendant : This can alter the way you present yourself to the world an...

Astrological Transit of VENUS in 11th House of Friendship

Your idea of happiness this month will probably involve spending more time than usual with friends. Social gatherings of all kinds tend to be more rewarding during this transit, and overtures of friendship are also well received.  It’s the right moment to cultivate social media relationships or purchase new gizmos (as long as Venus is not retrograde ). 

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