URANUS IN 5TH HOUSE In Yearly Solar Return Year

This is your Solar year to be an imaginative free spirit. If you already freely expressing yourself artistically, you are likely to have unexpected opportunities to try new ideas, and work more independently than ever. If you have secret dreams of being creative then this is your year to "come-out". Even if you have little spare time, you can still start a class, or devote a little time for creative expression. Children also feature largely, either yours or someone else's, and your relationship to children is likely to change dramatically. If you start a relationship with someone who has children, those children may have a disruptive influence as you attempt to create an environment where everyone has the right to self-expression. You can speculate this year but avoid gambling. While Uranus is in the 5th house of Solar return, you want to be able to express yourself freely. You may need to function independently of peer pressure and relationship demand...