PROGRESS MOON IN 12TH - Secondary Progression

 Day for a year Method of Prediction A.K.A Secondary Progression.

In Moon in 12TH House

It is time to slow down and reflect on your life. 

You are ending one phase of your life and starting another. This does not mean that everything changes during this phase, but rather that you change in some meaningful way. At the end of this phase you may be in the same career, home, and relationship with the same friends and family members.

 However, you are likely to have changed in some way. Of course, it is possible that your process of reflection results in a change of direction, ending one phase of your life before moving on to a completely new scenario. You would be well advised to ponder any changes rather than make rash decisions. 

This is a time of you working surreptitiously to achieve your life goals. You are unlikely to receive recognition for your efforts right now. This will come later. You can liken this phase to a theatrical production. Much behind the scenes work is carried out on a production before the season begins. The director plots the action, the actors rehearse, the sets, lighting and costumes are designed, to name just some of the behind the scenes activities. Eventually the lights go up on a polished and professional performance and everyone receives well-deserved accolades. Right now you are working behind the scenes on something important in your life. 

This could be a hobby, a work project, home renovations, pregnancy, finances or perhaps even a budding relationship. It is important that you take time to contemplate your goals and personal needs so that you can benefit from the rewards that come in the next phase of your life. Procrastination is not helpful during this phase. Meditation and prayer may be beneficial. 

The sign of your progressed Moon will also show you the manner in which you are likely to withdraw from society. 

For instance if your progressed Moon is in a fire or air sign then you are more likely to be restless unless actively working behind the scenes on a project. If your progressed Moon is in an earth or water sign then you may be more satisfied to reflect quietly on the different aspects of your life.

  • πŸ‘‰ ( 1ST )  ,  πŸ‘‰ ( 2ND ) ,  πŸ‘‰ ( 3RD ), πŸ‘‰ ( 4TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 5TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 6TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 7TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 8TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 9TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 10TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 11TH ) , πŸ‘‰ ( 12TH ) HOUSE 

TAURUS in the 12th
You have a natural psychic awareness of the importance of security in other people's lives. You are meant to use this power to help unstable people find gravity in their lives. Sexual encounters and romance remains a mystery for you. You spend much of your life wondering if the connections you make really mean something, or are just a facade of hidden intentions. 

GEMINI in the 12th
All mystery in your live revolves around words and communication. You are meant to be a messenger in this life; carrying some type of message from another life or realm into this reality. The problem is, you may not know what this message is, and others may not understand it. You have a natural aptitude for using your words in inventive ways. Writing and promoting creative, unique, and positive conversation can spark a connection with this aspect's power. 

CANCER in the 12th:
 Secrets in the home and between family is the source of this aspect's influence. You may witness obscure Situation in the Home and intimate relationship. Your Gift is your Ability to feel what ither feel. picking up in thier body language and noticing their hidden pain. Channel this power by being he vessel. some people need to vent or feel heard in times of stress. 

LEO in the 12th
All mystery begins and ends with the self. You may feel like your life is a challenge to find inner truth-- you will spend your entire life trying to understand who you really are, despite how you portray yourself or what people tell you. You may have been a hero in a past life, but the more you get lost in the intentions of others, the more you lose touch with this importance. Understanding your power to raise yourself up without bringing others down will help you channel this energy positively. 

VIRGO in the 12th: 
Virgo's natural efficiency and practically means those with this placement have the potential to be extremely successful in this life. The catch is, these people sometimes act as martyrs-- focusing too much on what other people need, want, and think. As a result of being humble, others often take credit for all the hard work you have put in. You can reach your full potential in this life by owning your talents, letting go of self restrictions and demanding credit where credit is due..

SCORPIO in the 12th house
 Since scorpie is a sign that stems from secrecy people with this Placement with alot of secrets in their life huiding in secrels, finding out secrets, or living in constant cenfukan. You tend to bury your feelings, doings, saboos or fetishes. If you want to find success in this Life. you must truly and deeply become cpen-minded and willing to accept the most devastating, darkest and most dangerous aspects of your personality that you've kept burled your whole life. 

SAGITTARIUS in 12th house
  Sacrifice is the key concept here. People with this placement will face a divine test where they are asked to sacrifice some of their own freedom, desires, growth and personal expansion for the sake of others. In order to succeed in this life, you should be wary net to play victim to others when they don't share your same beliels, you give up some of your personal freedom for the benefit of the group, you will be awarded in the real life.

CAPRICORN in the 12 House 
You have a natural aptitude when it comes to yours and others' professional and public gouls end ambitions, You may Fave received a gift fiem a past life shat makes you particularly good at pointing ethers in the right direction and keeping them on course when they begin to wander off if you take achantage of your ability to be a force of gravity in ather's Ives, you will receive the ultimate reward In the future. Be careful to use tvs power for good you can just as cosly steer others to the wrong direction 

AQUARIUS in the 12th House
You feel you are worthiase you're not contributing to society of working towards making the world a better place You have a natural destiny to explore which acts as a gift from a past life. Your hermic lesson is to persist in getting your philcoophies and ideas through to people. However, there is a thick cloud of ameke that separates you from the outside world. Others see you as disconnected with this reality and too concerned about relevant prems and desires. As long as you remain true to your ability to make change, you wit find success in getting others to see the way you co 

PISCES n the 12th 
You are extremely intuitive. You may evan feel paychic at times; predicting certain outcomes or experiencing strange senses of deja vu. Your destiny in this life is to listen to your gut. De not be strayed away from the truth because of the influence of others. Do rict let logic restrict your imagination er discourage you from making paychic revelations. You will find sucess in this life by following the little voice in your head that you can't quite desc but you know is always there..

Astrosignature of The Destiny and Decisions

 There is an element of the future that you cannot change; this is your destiny. But you also have choices and options available to you; these are your decisions. learn more..

Your Progressed birthday Chart - Day for a Year

WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART/SECONDARY PROGRESSION provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN, and (in some time I tell) the HOW.

Now, for the first time, we have a Progressed Report that not only tells us WHAT, WHEN, and HOW--it also tells us HOW LONG! It locates the signs, the aspects for each of the planets for any given year of your life and tells you how long they will remain in those positions.Learn more.. 

Astrologers use the term "Secondary Progressions" to describe a particular technique of moving planets 1 day is equal to 1 year . This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life. Progressions describe the different phases in our lives as well as our inner urges and how they affect our lives rather than dramatic outer events. 


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