VENUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE: Solar Return And Progress Chart

Relationships will tend to be more intense and complicated during the Venus in 8th house of Solar return chart.  
Psychological forces will play a strong role in your feelings of attraction to, and repulsion from, others. 

You will have a tendency to be unconsciously drawn to certain individuals, perhaps for reasons you find difficult to understand. One relationship, in particular, may be especially compelling, and you can react impulsively rather than respond rationally to this person.  
A relationship of this intensity has trans-forming qualities.

It enables you to see yourself, others, and relationships in a new way by making everyone's fears, insecurities, and complexes more obvious.  

Psychological complexes are impediments to greater intimacy. They must be recognized and dealt with effectively before love can mature. 
Psychological forces will ... 
Play a strong role in your feelings of attraction to, and repulsion from, others This Solar Return Year
You will have a tendency to be unconsciously drawn to certain individuals, perhaps for reasons you find difficult to understand. One relationship, in particular, may be especially compelling, and you can react impulsively rather than respond rationally to this person. 

A relationship of this intensity has trans-forming qualities.

 It enables you to see yourself, others, and relationships in a new way by making everyone's fears, insecurities, and complexes more obvious. Psychological complexes are impediments to greater intimacy. 

They must be recognized and dealt with effectively before love can mature. This is an excellent time for joint counseling since the focus for the year will be on understanding how psychological forces play a role in your relation-ships.   
Negatively, your relationships, or one in particular, may be a power struggle over money or sex.

 Regardless of whether this is a love relationship, a business relationship, or a relationship built on animosity, control issues will be important. 

Either one or both of you may use fear, intimidation, jealousy, or manipulation in an attempt to gain money, sex, or power over the other. 

The use of psychological tactics within the relationship complicates and weakens the negotiation process, making discussion and compromise difficult, if not impossible. Daily struggles, lacking any foreseeable resolution, can leave you weak, drained, and feeling more controlled than in control. 
When Venus is in the 8th house of your yearly Solar return chart, you may receive money from sources other than your own earning power.
  • VENUS IN : ( | 1ST   | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH   | ) , ( | 5TH   | ) , ( 6TH   | ) , ( 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , (  11TH   | ) , (  12TH   | ) HOUSE SOLAR RETURN
If you split funds and expenses with someone else, you can benefit through your partner's pay raise or financial windfall Your available funds increase through another person's efforts. If you are dependent upon someone for financial support, you may request and/or receive an increased amount of money.

Funds can also come to you through an inheritance, insurance claims settlement, legal action, or joint financial venture.  

PROGRESS VENUS IN NATAL 8TH HOUSE ( Secondary Progression )

Relationships deepen as the planet of love moves slowly through the 8th House of your Birth Chart. T

his can be an enriching time when your most intimate bonds strengthen and become more sacred. Occasionally this can indicate a time in which you need to cut ties with someone who is a negative influence. You may go through a dark and wintry period, but you can be assured that this period is one of change. Just as the Earth's seasons change from Winter to Spring, so too will your intimate relationships. 

If this is a time of death, then it will also be a time of birth and re-emergence. The planet Venus also influences money, and so this is a time for sowing and ultimately reaping benefits from investments.

To calculate a progress chart (Secondary Progression), you can use an ephemeris or a transit chart. However, I suggest using a transit chart. For example, if you are 30 years old now, look back at the transit chart for the first 30 days of your life.

Here are some guideline how to read the Progress chart

Transit of VENUS in 8th House

While Venus transits here in 8th house, that last for about 1 month, you'll usually receive more support and affection than you're used to getting. 

If you need to apply for a loan or ask for favors, this is a favorable time to do it. 

Partnerships, in particular, can feel supportive, encouraging, and enjoyable now. Physical relationships are especially satisfying, and this could be a transit that marks the moment when a close relationship turns intimate. It may sound like a downer, but this can be a good time for estate planning. 

Use this transit to ensure that your wishes are documented and that your earthly possessions (including your body) will find their way to the appropriate people and places when you are no longer here to look after them. 
  • Planet Aspecting in Venus


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