VENUS IN THE 12TH HOUSE in Solar Return Chart
When Venus is in the 12th house in Solar Return, It indicates that inner emotional and spiritual qualities are valued more than material success or external achievement. Real success and achievement develop through helping relationships with others and the ability to maintain your own inner peace regardless of your immediate environment or previous involvements. For those who have recently come through a difficult period, this may be a time for inner healing and comfort. Values are centered on nonphysical attributes. Outer beauty and materialism will not be valued as highly as the inner qualities you now seek or possess. Having money is not as important as the quality of life and your ability to be happy with who you are and where you are headed.The money you already have or presently earn may not concern you; however, a lack of money in the foreseeable future may be important. Venus in the 12th of Your Yearly Horoscope is not especially secure ...