VENUS IN 2ND HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return Chart

 One might think that Venus in the 2nd house of the solar return would be associated with increased money and materialism. 
Certainly, you pay more attention to finances with this placement.

But rather than increased money, Venus in the 2nd house of Solar return Year,  is more likely to indicate easy money, the kind that requires no extra work on your part.
The epitome of this interpretation is money that comes to you through welfare or unemployment checks. 

This is a possibility, although usually not the case. The most common manifestation is that money comes more easily because you cut back on your hours at work or refuse overtime. 

You may earn a little less, but the quality of your life seems more important than the extra income. 
Venus in the 2nd house of Solar return normally indicates ... 
You are comfortable with the money you have or earn, Another alternative is changing jobs and getting paid more for doing the same work. 

Your salary may remain the same, but funds become available through other means. Suppose you sell your home at a great profit and decide not to buy another home, or purchase one at a lower price. 

This leaves more money available without any extra work .
Even if you do not get a raise, or do not work, small checks may come in the mail from unexpected sources (dividends, refunds, interest, etc.). Perhaps none of the checks will be large, but you will find them helpful.  
During the Solar Return yearyou should feel comfortable with the amount of money you have available to spend. 

 You are unlikely to feel impoverished unless there are other indications in the chart. Aspects to Venus and other planets in the 2nd house of Solar return may give you some idea as to  what financial situations will evolve. 

Aspects between the πŸ‘‰ 10th and the πŸ‘‰ 2nd or the πŸ‘‰ 6th and the πŸ‘‰ 2nd generally imply that money is job-related.

If Venus is heavily aspected from the 8th house, debts and shared resources will be an issue. An emphasis on the 11th house with Venus in the 2nd would indicate the desire to work with long-term financial goals (e.g., saving for a college education). 

Whenever Venus is heavily aspected in the solar return, financial situations may be changing or complicated by other interests. 
You might also experience a moral or ethical conflict at this time, especially if Venus is heavily emphasized.  
Venus in the 2nd house of solar return, shows that moral issues will be reassessed, especially the issue of monogamy or loyalty to one person. 
Contrary to what one might think, traditional concepts are not always stressed. The interpretation of Venus in this house seems to be most closely related to proclivities shown in the natal chart and the rest of the solar return. 

Ethical issues focus on monetary practices such as accurate expense account reporting, appropriate fees for services rendered, and the disposition of funds. Several aspects to Venus in the 2nd can indicate mixed feelings with regard to these moral or ethical issues.
  • VENUS IN : ( | 1ST   | ) , ( | 2ND | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH   | ) , ( | 5TH   | ) , ( 6TH   | ) , ( 7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , (  11TH   | ) , (  12TH   | ) HOUSE SOLAR RETURN
VENUS IN 2ND HOUSE in Yearly Solar Return Chart ...

This year you are able to attract just what you to buy what you value, or gifts of things that you need. 

Someone close to you may support you financially while you follow your heart's desire. Your values around money and possessions may be changing and if you have less than usual you don’t mind (unless other chart factors add stress.) You trust that you have enough resources and are happy to spend less as you have gained something that boosts your self-esteem, or have more time to do what you love. This year you can balance your budget and still spend on pleasurable things.

 It is an ideal year to put money aside for something or someone truly valuable.

Planet Aspecting in Venus


The interpretation of the solar return chart can stand alone and does not have to be related to the natal chart. A wealth of information can be obtained from just studying the solar return chart by itself, the house placements of the planets, and the aspects between them. But for those who look for natal confirmation or comparison of the solar return to the natal chart, place the natal chart outside the wheel of the solar return. All sense of house placement is lost when the solar return goes outside the natal in a biwheel chart technique. This is a major loss, and it can cripple one's ability to interpret the solar return. There is a specific reason that the natal chart goes on the outside of a biwheel chart. As stated above, the solar return chart is meant to stand alone with much of its interpretation based on house placement. 

In order to get a more accurate interpretation of  Transit and Solar Return chart, you will need to consult with a professional astrologer. A professional astrologer will be able to take into account all of the factors mentioned above to give you a more personalized interpretation.


Anonymous said…
that's good interpretation

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