MARS IN 2ND HOUSE in you Yearly Solar Return Chart

 For employed individuals, Mars in the 2nd house of Solar return usually indicates an income based on commissions or sales.  
You are able to hustle for a higher income, and your earnings, at least in part, depend on how actively you focus on making money. 

Even if your income is normally based on a fixed hourly rate, you may be involved in an incentive program or contest which rewards you for the amount of work you are able to generate or handle. 

If you are considering self-employment on the side, then this might be a good time to piggyback a new budding career on top of a present full/part-time position.

Your salary is then augmented by the second job. 
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byu/_black_moon_lilith_ from discussion
In some way, the amount of money you earn is at least partially tied to the amount of work you accomplish, and consequently, your income may be affected positively. 

If you refuse to put in any extra effort or even maintain your present level of involvement, your earnings might be affected negatively.

Mars in the 2nd is also indicative of individuals who either take a pay cut during the Solar Return year, or do not charge enough for their services.
  • MARS IN : ( | 1ST ) , ( | 2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH  | )  7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , ( | 11TH | ) ,  ( | 12TH  | ) HOUSE
 Pay cuts are generally self-initiated, though not always. You can opt for a salary decrease if you really desire fewer working hours and more free time.

If your focus is already shifting to other areas, you will not be willing to put extra time and effort into an old routine. Having more freedom gives you more time to work on future goals you are creating and pursuing.

If you are self-employed or directly involved with the future success of your employer’s company, you can accept a pay cut to ensure the future viability of the business and your job. It is possible that both manifestations of Mars, hustling for money and accepting a pay cut, will operate within the same year. For example, if you start your own business, you may leave a steady job with a good salary. Initially, you earn less and have to hustle to establish your business and draw new customers. And Here are more example case study on how to intererpret your Solar Return Year.
Arguments over finances are possible if you are sharing resources with another person. 
How you earn money (or what you do for a living), and how you spend money (or what bills you pay, don’t pay, and what you choose to purchase), may be points of contention. You feel the need to decide personally how you will earn money and what you will do with it once you get it. 

For those who are not employed during the Solar Return year, but are dependent on others for financial support, this placement can be associated with arguments over the distribution of funds. 

With Mars in the 2nd house, you should normally want to participate actively in the money-making process, but if you do not work, the ambition normally reflected in your own earning power can be projected onto the provider. 
 He or she may or may not have your same desire for success, but generally will not meet your expectations. His or her perceived ineptitude or mismanagement becomes a bone of contention. The underlying issue is not his or her failure as a provider; this person cannot meet your needs since these needs are innately your own. You cannot give away energy and expect others to use it solely for the purpose intended.

Mars in the 2nd indicates your own need to be financially successful, independent, and in control of your financial resources. 

It is difficult to do this when you are not working. The best way to proceed is to take action on your own. Carve out your own little financial niche. Become a fundraiser for a nonprofit organization or your child’s PTA association. Help your spouse or counterpart by taking the initiative in areas he or she has not considered. 

Lend support by establishing yourself as an independent and equal financial partner. Don’t squander your own abilities and ignore your own needs. Complaints are no substitute for financial potential and ambition. If you feel that you cannot work in any capacity at this time, realize that others cannot and should not be held responsible for your psychological need for success in this area. If you do not understand this principle, your behavior can become self-defeating. You can spend money impulsively, faster than your provider can make it, which is a negative form of financial control, or lack thereof.

The 2nd house is also the house of self-worth, material values, and traditional morals. 

During the Solar Return year, you will be very aware of how others treat you, and whether or not you receive the respect you deserve. If you are not fully appreciated, you can assertively or even aggressively stand up for yourself, your decisions, and your lifestyle. 

Your material value system is changing, and you set new priorities which are more consistent with your personal perspective. Moral decisions are made independently, and you are willing to support your stance vocally. You are not afraid to go against the grain and will actively pursue what you deem worthy or essential even if you must defend or protect yourself from the remarks of others.

  • MARS IN : ( | 1ST ) , ( | 2ND  | ) , ( | 3RD  | ) , ( | 4TH  | ) , ( 5TH  | ) , ( | 6TH  | )  7TH  | ) , ( | 8TH  | ) , ( | 9TH  | ) , ( | 10TH  | ) , ( | 11TH | ) ,  ( | 12TH  | ) HOUSE

Planet in Solar Return Chart Aspecting to MARS

Planets Aspecting Mars 

Aspects to Mars reflect your ability to create your environment to suit your own needs and how you would tend to do this.

 The house placement of Mars shows where the activation is most likely to occur, and the aspects to Mars imply the various internal and external forces created which will either support or thwart your efforts. 


Transiting JUPITER Sextile Natal MIDHEAVEN - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your transit chart,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  JUPITER as you look up  in the Sky are Allign  to your Natal  MIDHEAVEN in  SEXTILE   aspect.  This influence is temporary, lasting for a few months to a year depending on the speed of Jupiter's movement. It's a time to take advantage of favorable opportunities and capitalize on your positive energy.. In Sextile Aspect, This is not a significant transit, but you may have the opportunity to improve elements of your career. Doors could open in your professional and social circles. You might encounter exciting new opportunities for career advancement, promotions, or recognition of your talents and contributions.. It is a good time for expanding your professional goals and making the most of any opportunities in this area. These could include offers of promotion, study, and travel. Success is within your grasp if you seize the moment. ✍(◔◡◔)  MORE ABOUT - JUPITER - MIDHEAVEN Transiting J

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