MOON IN 6TH HOUSE In Solar Return Year

The essence of the Moon's nature is change and fluctuation. Its presence in the 6th house of the solar return 
Can denote changes in working conditions and/or health and dietary habits..

Job changes are usually minor. 

The Moon is more closely associated with adjustments rather than major upsets.
Some appropriate examples of these minor changes might be: 
You change departments or offices within your company without changing your job per se; you drop your full-time hours to become a part-time employee; 

If you are self-employed, you may hire an assistant to help you keep up with the demands of your growing business; or if new policies and procedures are instituted at your office, your daily job routine changes.  
With the Moon in the 6th house of Solar Return
You are more likely to make decisions that either directly or indirectly cause job changes. 
  • While Progress MOON IN 6TH house in Secondary Progression,  It is time to get organized, discard old bad habits and incorporate news ones in your daily life. The Zodiac sign of your progressed Moon will also show you the area of your life most likely to be affected by this new schedule! learn more 
In the Moon in the 6th house of Solar Return., You can consciously decide to make the changes yourself, or make changes in other areas of your life which eventually cause repercussions in your job.
As an example of this, you could decide to move out of the city.

Since you will now live farther away from your office, you convert a room in your house to a home office and do more work at home. 

It is possible that changes occurring in your job are truly out of your control. Your company may merge with another, reorganizing the offices and moving you to another department. All changes tend to be minor, even those that are beyond your control. 

 Except in rare instances, it is unlikely that you would quit your job or get fired during this Solar Return year; however, job security may be an issue. 

Even if the Moon is heavily aspected in the 6th house, it is more common to experience daily routine changes that are complicated and stressful rather than major career transitions. 
There is a tendency to become more emotion-ally involved with co-workers when the Moon is in the 6th house. 
If you are in a helping profession and/or have daily contact with the public, you may become more involved with those you help. This interaction includes a greater sensitivity to the needs of others while on the job. Because of your dealings with the public and co-workers, you are more apt to develop a reputation. This reputation is dependent on the quality of your work and there-fore may be either good or bad.  
The Moon in the 6th house of Solar Return also implies health changes within the Year.
These changes are generally minor and can be caused by physical changes in the body or adjustments in health habits or diet. Body changes are usually the result of natural biological cycles and processes. Included here are those changes resulting from puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, physical fitness, and hormonal balance or imbalance. 
Weight gain or loss is also possible. It is likely that you will be more mindful of what you eat even if you are not eating well. The body is more sensitive to the way food and exercise (or the lack thereof) affects you. 

This is not a good time to go on a strict health regimen. 

It is a much better time to learn health from the inside out. Be aware of what foods and activities make you feel better and which ones actually hurt your health or drain your energy. Develop a health consciousness. 

This year conscious changes in health , habits are more likely to be made because of greater awareness of how unconscious habits affect health. 

Make your changes gradually and incorporate them into your new lifestyle permanently. 
Any illnesses you might have during the year can relate to emotional habits you refuse to change. It is very easy for psychological problems to manifest as physical illnesses.
A healthy diet is not enough. You must also have a healthy emotional life, which includes fulfilling emotional involvements and psychologically healthy environments. 

Relationships and work habits can affect your health, especially if you experience a lot of stress, frustration, or anger in these areas. Look at your most intimate relationships. Are these relation-ships assets or liabilities, fulfilling or draining? Even if you find these relationships debilitating, you have recourse. Counseling can help you improve your situation or meditation can help you cope with the stress. It is also important to evaluate your working conditions and the effect they might have on your health. You should be able to make changes here also. 

If you are aware of your health needs and take corrective action, you do not have to be sick. The more you ignore the situation, the more difficult it may become. See a psychological counselor or holistic health practitioner if you should feel the need. It is a good time to acquire good emotional habits. 

While Moon in πŸ‘‰  Synastry Chart, represents the emotional connection and compatibility between two individuals. See for example ( Your Partner ) is combining with ASCENDANT ( You ) in Trine Aspect.

Planets in Solar return chart Aspecting the Moon 

Aspects to the Moon can imply that emotional expression is either enhanced or inhibited by various personality factors and life situations. The planets aspecting the Moon, of course, color its interpretation. 

The aspects themselves reflect a degree of ease or difficulty. The unpleasantness you feel compels you to look at your surroundings more closely and work to correct or improve conditions. 

The adjustments that occur may or may not be within your control, and may or may not be beneficial. 

MOON IN FIRST HOUSE in your Yearly Horoscope 

Feelings and emotional needs will seem stronger and more urgent, residing just under the surface. But the Moon in the 1st house is distinguished by the fact that not only are the feelings particularly strong.. πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

MOON IN 2ND HOUSE Of your yearly Horoscope

 In order to feel comfortable during the next year, it is important for you to review your financial situation and formulate plans which will increase or ensure economic stability. This financial plan ... πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

MOON IN 3RD HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart

The key to working with this placement is understanding the need for conscious and unconscious appreciation, integration, and consensus. This is not the time.. πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC : from first house to 12 house ...

From year to year, the Sun passes through the Solar return chart in a clockwise direction, falling into every third house for those people who remain in the same location. See  For example..

Astrologers use the term "MOON IN 6TH HOUSE of Solar Return" to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. 

This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day.

MOON IN 4TH HOUSE in Solar Return Astrology Chart

You are apt to either change your place of residence or change something about your home when the Moon is in the 4th house of the solar return chart.. πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

THE MOON IN 5TH HOUSE Of Your yearly Horoscope

The start of a new romantic relationship is the most common event associated with the Moon in 5th house of Solar Return.  πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

MOON IN THE 7TH HOUSE Of  Your Yearly Horoscope

you may be very involved with your boss's personal needs and comforts rather than clerical duties. If you are a physician seeing patients, you will be very concerned with your patients as individuals... πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

MOON IN THE 9TH HOUSE of your Yearly Horoscope

The Moon placed in this house suggests a good time to reevaluate all beliefs in light of practical applications to daily situations. We think of the Moon as... πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

MOON IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Your Yearly Horoscope

The 8th house is the house of acute awareness of emotional forces and psychological powers. Nearly all of this awareness will result from a newfound ability to spontaneously... πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

MOON IN THE 10TH HOUSE of your yearly Horoscope

While the Moon in the 6th house can indicate minor changes in work-ing conditions, the Moon in the 10th house generally implies changes that are far more significant, either in the... πŸ‘‰ Learn more...

MOON IN THE 11TH HOUSE of your yearly Horoscope

You might have to work toward your goal despite much opposition and lack of assistance from family members. For example, a woman with the Moon in the 11th started her own cottage industry ... πŸ‘‰ Learn more...


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