Transiting SATURN Aspect in Natal SUN

Transit to Natal of Saturn

In Trine Aspect, 
You are purposeful and hardworking during this Trine Aspect..

You are capable of achieving your goals, and may receive recognition or promotion as others notice your efforts. 

Activities which may have seemed onerous in the past can now be tackled with patience and fortitude. It is a good period for making progress. 


In Sextile Aspect,


You currently have the ability to be more purposeful and steady. 

You enjoy areas of your life which require a little extra effort knowing that you have the ability now to work towards your goals.




In Square Aspect,


This can be a testing time as you face extra responsibilities and hard work. 

In some ways you feel that you are undergoing an endurance test as you strive to work towards your goals. It is easy to forget your strengths under this transit, but patience and endurance pay off in the long run. 

It is time to look carefully at your priorities and readjust your schedules and goals accordingly. It may be that you will be forced to give up some of the less useful activities and plans in your life.



In Sequisquare Aspect,


This can be a time of frustration which will ultimately lead to greater achievement. 

You are about to take on more responsibility in your life but, through circumstances or someone's actions, there are delays. It could also be that you are feeling frustrated with your responsibilities at the moment, unable to push ahead in the way that you want. 

Your old solutions for the problems and delays are no longer working, and you are being asked to look at things differently. Persistence will earn you the result that you want to achieve.


In Semisquare Aspect,

To Natal SUN 

This can be a time of frustration during which your patience is sorely tested. 

There are delays in important areas of your life which cause you a great deal of irritation. The best approach is to be patient and let the problem or situation settle for a while rather than try to force things to a conclusion.



To Natal SUN

You are making changes and adjustments in your life in ways that lessen the responsibilities. 

You may be letting go of something important or ending an important phase in your life. This is taking some adjustment. This can be a painful or joyful experience. If you are in pain remember that the process of letting go makes room for something new and exciting.


✍(◔◡◔) Also note:
 When using these interpretations SATURN Aspect in Natal SUN
Please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. 

AGAIN, Pls Notice  Transiting SATURN, as you look up in the Sky Are in Aspect  Natal SUN So it mean ..

Transiting SUN Aspect in Natal Saturn, is diferrent interpretation

In Transit to Natal, Defferent order defferent interpretation, take note on that.

However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. 

It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart. 


This can be a productive, character-building transit, but rarely a cheerful one. You will generally feel as though you’re carrying the weight of Saturn itself on your shoulders. 

Further, you will feel you’re not getting credit for all this heavy lifting; on the contrary, others may accuse you of being a killjoy. It’s tempting to say that the trine or sextile from Saturn to the natal Sun is not so bad, but really, those transits don’t feel all that wonderful, either. 

If you’re looking for a good transit for tackling projects that require confidence and popularity, this is not one of them. 

So what are Saturn/Sun transits good for? 

They’re unsurpassed for building strength and endurance and for proving to yourself that you can stick it out when times get tough. Through these transits, you’ll develop strength and character that lasts because it has been truly earned. So show up, put your behind in the seat, keep your head down, and do your work.


Three zodiac signs enter a period of prosperity Starting September 11, 2024

1. Virgo

Virgo, you're about to enter a period of great wealth and prosperity — whether you're ready for it or not! During the Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter transit, you'll find that certain things seem to fall into place for you business-wise.

While you're always the person to bring in the doubts, I'm sorry, Virgo, but this time, you aren't strong enough to keep the good stuff away. You will be bombarded with good fortune and remember September 11, 2024 as the day you got rich. If not immediately rich, you're well on your way there. Things are looking so good for you, and that's to be expected with so much Sagittarius-Jupiter energy around you.

2. Sagittarius

Between Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter and you being a Sagittarius, you can't escape your fate. That fate is the one that takes you to the path of prosperity, starting September 11, 2024. Not only does everything feel right to you, but it feels lucrative. Yes, there's money involved.

What you're about to embark on means a lot to you, and when they say, 'If you do what you love, then you'll never work a day in your life,' you might be able to apply that to your present situation. You are doing what you love, and it's making you moolah.

This period can go on for as long as you want, Sagittarius. There is no end to the prosperity you can be a part of as long as you continue to love what you do. That's the key here, and you must pay attention to that. This could be the start of something big, and you could certainly appreciate that.

3. Pisces

Your previous ideas about wealth and prosperity finally can manifest as reality on September 11, 2024. During the transit of the Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter, you feel positive about certain investments you've made and see them flourish at this time.

The day brings you the secure feeling that what you've done financially has matured to the point where you can relax, knowing that the period of real prosperity has begun. It's your turn now, Pisces, and you are ready for it. It's all just beginning to take shape.

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