Transiting URANUS Aspect in SATURN

Transit to Natal of Uranus 

In Square Aspect

To Natal Saturn

Transit last for About 2 month 

This is a tense and unstable time when your safe world ceases to feel as safe. 

No matter how hard you try to get life on a firmer footing, there will be disruptions. You would be better to remain as flexible and positive as possible, otherwise your confidence will be severely tested. This is easier said than done during this transit, so do not fret if you feel a little shaky. It will pass and you will eventually appreciate the new turn of events.


In Trine Aspect


Life takes on a fresh new look during this time, as you have the energy to make the changes you need to old structures. 

You are keen to branch out into new areas without jeopardising all that you have built in the past. You are original, self-confident and also well-balanced. Other people will respect you, and therefore you have the ability to achieve. πŸ‘‰ Transiting Saturn Trine Natal Uranus is defferent interpretation..


In Opposition Aspect, 


Life is fraught with tension and instability as familiar patterns in your life are broken down. 

No matter how hard you try to get life on a firmer footing, there will be disruptions. You would be better to remain as flexible and positive as possible, otherwise your confidence will be severely tested. This is easier said than done during this transit, so do not fret if you feel a little shaky. It will pass and you will eventually appreciate the new turn of events.


Quincunx aspect,


Life can take a sudden and unexpected twist in which you are challenged to let go of your normal support structures and face new horizons. While the new possibilities hold a certain amount of excitement, you may be disturbed by the rapid change of circumstances. However it is not time to tread the more comfortable road. You benefit more by embracing change.

✍(◔◡◔): Also note: 
When using these interpretations URANUS Aspect in SATURN,
Please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. 

AGAIN, Pls Notice  Transiting URANUS, as you look up in the Sky Are in Aspect to Natal SATURN So it mean ..

Transiting SATURN Aspect in Natal URANUS, is Different interpretation

In Transit to Natal, Different order different interpretation, take note on that.


However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. 

It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart. 


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The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart.

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