Solar return chart, Pluto in First House - page 2

Your past trauma or current blockage is activated by a present-day situation; consequently, your psychological idiosyncrasies tend to be obvious to those in the immediate environment. 

They will undoubtedly know what sets you off, and may use this knowledge to gain power over you. Using an extreme example, suppose you have a compulsion to gamble and eventually incur huge gambling debts. Your inability to curb your own habit leads to an excessive dependency on money. Others can use this monetary need and gambling compulsion to their advantage. If they love you, they will use this information to help you, but if they are unscrupulous, they will use it to control you. You need to learn more about your psychological makeup in order to deal with self-defeating behavior and free yourself from bondage to others.

Ignoring the issues only makes you powerless. 

The struggle you experience with self and commonly associate with others is only an external manifestation of an internal process or blockage. You must look inside yourself for the answers. Events that occur during this year will affect you deeply, and may cause a permanent personality transition to new levels of awareness, self-expression, and interaction. The potential is there for a milestone year. But the potential is also there for increased psychological pressure resulting from difficulties you refuse to face. Own your own power; don’t give it away.

The task is to begin making conscious decisions rather than reacting from the gut level. 

If you refuse to face your own issues and claim what is rightfully yours, present circumstances and those you must deal with can have power over you. What you do not claim as your own can be claimed by lovers, friends, and even enemies. You can choose to avoid the issues innate to your psyche, but then you also avoid the wonder of the power you possess and your ability to provide insight to others. The process of gaining control over yourself leads to power in all other areas of life.

This is the year to make a stand, and you are likely to confront others. 

Once you have healed yourself and owned your own power, you have the ability to give insight to others and influence their behavior also. The psychological power associated with Pluto can be used to heal more than one person. It can be used for your own healing or that of others. In the ideal situation, both healing processes occur simultaneously, with each individual involved contributing pieces of information leading to wholeness.

Be mindful not to control your environment unnecessarily. With Pluto in the 1st house, you may have a tendency to manipulate others in an attempt to divert attention from your own real issues. Even the facilitation of someone else’s growth is suspect unless the facilitation is mutual. When in doubt, use insight to your own best advantage. Transform yourself first, and then you will have the key needed to help others. You are the number one priority as illustrated by the placement of Pluto in the 1st house.

There are many avenues leading to transformation. Personal insight and vulnerability are but two. Manipulation and control are avoidance behaviors meant for diversion. The key to growth is to interpret everything that is said and done within the personal context first. Every experience drawn during the year will correspond to a personal need or lack. This is an excellent time for in-depth relationships and personal observation. Whatever the task for the year, it will be fueled by a need for intensity. Superficial or casual experiences will not suffice. Only power confrontations and intense relationships will have the depth of feeling necessary to foster transformative change.


1st HOUSE     |   2nd HOUSE 


3rd HOUSE  |  4th HOUSE 


5th HOUSE  |  6th HOUSE 


7th HOUSE  |  8th HOUSE 


9th HOUSE    |  10th HOUSE 


11th HOUSE  |  12th HOUSE


From year to year, the Sun passes through the solar return chart in a clockwise direction, falling into every third house for those people who remain in the same location. For example,

the Sun in the 1st house in this year's solar return will probably move up to the 10th house next year, assuming certain conditions: the individual must remain in the same location and this location should not be too far north or too far south in terms of latitude.


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