Transiting URANUS Square Natal Ascendant - ( Transit and Progress chart )

If this aspect is showing up in your TRANSIT CHART ,  or in other word, The Current Transit of  URANUS as you look up  in the Sky are Allign to your natal ASCENDANT In SQUARE Aspect..

Transit last for about More than 2 Months, It's a time to be open to self-exploration, embrace your individuality, and integrate new aspects of yourself into your self-image.

Relationships close to your heart can undergo sudden and dramatic changes during this transit as either you or your loved one feels the need to break out of old habits and patterns in the relationship. You may not have been aware that the relationship had settled into a routine that was a little stale. It could be that a third party enters the scenario surprising both of you. 

Whatever the circumstances, the challenge is to ride the disruptions, pull yourself out of the rut and put the sparkle back into your relationship.

If this Aspect show in your Progress chart

A Disruptive Push for Self-Discovery (Progress Chart or Secondary Progression).

The Secondary progressions track the movement of your natal planets at a slower pace 1 day is equal to 1 year, It highlights the need to integrate the disruptive energy of Uranus with your core identity, leading to a more authentic and unique self-expression throughout your life.

When progressed Uranus forms a square to your natal Ascendant, this indicates a period of significant change and unpredictability in your life, particularly affecting your self-image, personal identity, and how you present yourself to the world..

Uranus is the planet of unexpected events, disruptions, and sudden changes. A square aspect brings tension and challenge, suggesting that changes might come in a disruptive or unplanned manner.

Since the Ascendant is also related to how you interact with others, there could be changes in your relationships. You might attract unconventional people or find that existing relationships are tested by your need for greater autonomy. The tension of the square aspect can bring stress and restlessness. You might feel uneasy or anxious, particularly if you are resisting the changes that Uranus is prompting.



Three zodiac signs enter a period of prosperity Starting September 11, 2024

1. Virgo

Virgo, you're about to enter a period of great wealth and prosperity — whether you're ready for it or not! During the Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter transit, you'll find that certain things seem to fall into place for you business-wise.

While you're always the person to bring in the doubts, I'm sorry, Virgo, but this time, you aren't strong enough to keep the good stuff away. You will be bombarded with good fortune and remember September 11, 2024 as the day you got rich. If not immediately rich, you're well on your way there. Things are looking so good for you, and that's to be expected with so much Sagittarius-Jupiter energy around you.

2. Sagittarius

Between Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter and you being a Sagittarius, you can't escape your fate. That fate is the one that takes you to the path of prosperity, starting September 11, 2024. Not only does everything feel right to you, but it feels lucrative. Yes, there's money involved.

What you're about to embark on means a lot to you, and when they say, 'If you do what you love, then you'll never work a day in your life,' you might be able to apply that to your present situation. You are doing what you love, and it's making you moolah.

This period can go on for as long as you want, Sagittarius. There is no end to the prosperity you can be a part of as long as you continue to love what you do. That's the key here, and you must pay attention to that. This could be the start of something big, and you could certainly appreciate that.

3. Pisces

Your previous ideas about wealth and prosperity finally can manifest as reality on September 11, 2024. During the transit of the Sagittarius Half Moon opposite Jupiter, you feel positive about certain investments you've made and see them flourish at this time.

The day brings you the secure feeling that what you've done financially has matured to the point where you can relax, knowing that the period of real prosperity has begun. It's your turn now, Pisces, and you are ready for it. It's all just beginning to take shape.

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