Transiting JUPITER Aspect in Natal URANUS

 Transit to Natal of JUPITER 

In Opposition Aspect,
Transit Last for about Half of the Month for Example, Entering Aug 5, Exact Aug 11,  Leaving Aug 17 .

This transit can indicate a sudden and dramatic change in your life ranging from simply a break in your routine to a breakdown in a relationship, career or way of life. 

On the one hand you feel a strong urge for a change of scenery, but on the other hand you feel rattled at the thought of breaking new territory. In some cases you may feel that there are obstacles, in the form of responsibilities to other people, which are holding you back.  Either way it is time to ponder on your life and use this time to free yourself of restrictions. You will be grateful for the new-found freedom in the end. 

  • 👉 Read here if you are looking for Jupiter Aspect to Uranus in Progress Chart


In Semisquare or Sesquisquare Aspect,
During this Jupiter transit you tend to feel irritable and frustrated as you want to break free of past restrictions. Rebellion can be a major problem, particularly if you feel that something or someone is standing in your way. 

Patience is a virtue which seems so difficult to maintain during this transit, and yet it is the trait which you need to develop.

AGAIN, Pls Notice  Transiting JUPITER, as you look up in the Sky Are in Aspect  in Natal URANUS So it mean ..

Transiting URANUSAspect in Natal JUPITER, is diferrent interpretation

In Transit to Natal, Defferent order defferent interpretation, take note on that.


Progress Jupiter Sextile Uranus ( Secondary progression )

Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.

To calculate a progress chart (Secondary Progression), you can use an ephemeris or a transit chart. However, I suggest using a transit chart. For example, if you are 30 years old now, look back at the transit chart for the first 30 days of your life.

Here are some guideline how to read the Progress chart


For Full Report Option 

The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart.

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