Transiting MARS Aspect in Natal MOON

Transit to Natal of Mars 

In Semisquare Aspect

"Frustration" could be the key word for this period of Mars Semisquare Aspect to Moon. You are full of energy and are ready for action, and yet no matter which way you turn your path seems to be blocked. With a little patience, you should eventually achieve your goals.


In Square Aspect, 

You are quite excitable and prone to accidents and arguments during this period. 

It is likely that you are suffering from emotional or physical stress. Your relationship with an important woman in your life may also be troubling you. You may think that it is others who are at fault, but it is more likely that you are over-reacting and causing conflict. You need to learn to slow down and consider your actions carefully. 


In Trine or Conjunction,
You have a strong desire for excitement and will actively seek to find an outlet. You have plenty of energy which needs to be expended on a positive project. 

Perhaps a demanding sport or a work project would provide a positive avenue. You may also enjoy spending time with an important woman in your life. It is important that you find an appropriate outlet for your pent-up energy. 

This is not the best time to be taking unnecessary risks or to be pushing aggressively to get your own way.


In Quincunx,
Something or someone is a source of stress in your life at the moment and you are having difficulty handling the situation. 

It is likely that you feel like a time bomb ready to explode. You would benefit from expending your pent-up energy in a sports arena rather than causing more friction in other areas of your life.



In Opposition Aspect,
Something or someone is a source of stress in your life at the moment and you are having difficulty handling the situation. 

It is likely that you feel like a time bomb ready to explode. 

You would benefit from expending your pent-up energy in a sports arena rather than causing more friction in other areas of your life.

AGAIN, Pls Notice  Transiting MARS, as you look up in the Sky Are in Aspect  Natal MOON So it mean ..

Transiting MOON Aspect in Natal MARS, is diferrent interpretation

In Transit to Natal, Defferent order defferent interpretation, take note on that.

ASTROLOGICAL TRANSIT OBSERVATION OF MARS is base on my personal personal natal chart , the timing of the transiting Planet is applicable only in selected person (for me), and its use for Astrological influence research.

We all have our battles to fight. Some of them are truly life-or-death matters, others are internal struggles, and some are petty grievances unworthy of your time and energy. 

All of these are ruled by Mars. And when transiting Mars makes contact with a part of your birth chart, you are called into battle. It could be a battle to defend yourself or somebody else, or simply to conquer some territory (such as a job) that you want for yourself.

The Transit to radix can also be used to pick the date of a business to start, or for people to get married, or to begin almost any important project. Picking dates is known by astrologers as "electional astrology"..

These Transit of Mars Aspect to Natal Moon interpretations Has written in the star to apply  transits to Natal Aspect in the Sky or in other word, The Current Transit of Planet in the Sky are Very related to Individual natal chart.

Also note When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. 

However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. 

It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart. 


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