Transiting MARS Conjunct or Semisquare Natal MARS

Transit to Natal Aspect in the Sky 

In Semisquare Aspect,

Last for about 3 days for Example ( Entering Feb 24 , Exact Feb 26 , Leaving Feb 27 )

  • Strong survival instincts. 
  • Self-preservation, often at any cost. 
  • Assertive and aggressive behavior. 
  • Competition with others. 
  • Direct action and communication -- lack of diplomacy. 
  • Injuries and accidents. 
  • Construction difficulties.

In Conjunction Aspect 
Last for about 3 days For example ( Entering May 6 , Exact May 8 , Leaving May 10 )
  • The drive to assert oneself, to survive. 
  • The desire to make things happen. 
  • Constructiveness. 
  • Drive. 
  • High energy output. 
  • Productivity. 
  • Problem solving -- engineering. 
  • Decisiveness. 
  • Quick reactions. 
  • Becoming immersed in one's own activities.
  •  ( ͡❛ ͜Κ– ͡❛) πŸ‘‰ Transiting MARS Aspecting to Natal NORTH NODE
Also note :
When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. 

However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. 

It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart. 

In terms of timing or to determine the timing of potential success or improvements in your situation, it would be helpful to look at your progress chart.. 

Progress Chart ( secondary progressions ) or Solar return can provide some insights into the unfolding of your life.
  • WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN,  and Sometime I tell HOW. it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status. πŸ‘‰


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The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart.

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